Waterweels in Fayoum

The waterwheels in Fayoum are among the most interesting ancient sites in Fayoum, Over 200 of them straddles the Canals, Unique to the area , the wooden wheels are driven by fast-moving water of the Canals and were introduced into Fayoum during the Ptolemaic times

Waterweels in Fayoum

The waterwheels in Fayoum are among the most interesting ancient sites in Fayoum, Over 200 of them straddles the Canals, Unique to the area , the wooden wheels are driven by fast-moving water of the Canals and were introduced into Fayoum during the Ptolemaic times.

They are 4 to 5 Meters in Diameter and Coated with black tar to Protect the wood, Each waterwheel Can lift the water 3 meters, Spilling it onto higher ground, January is the Month set aside throughout Egypt for Cleaning the Canals, The sluices are closed in the Fayoum all the functioning waterwheels are Cleaned and repaired.

In addition to the Four moaning and groaning in the Center of the City, The Famous seven,  a hallmark of Fayoum of Fayoum are located in the Countryside  along Bahr sinnuris, There are  additional waterwheels on various Canals in the Area

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