Tel El Amarana in Al Minya

Tel El Amarana (Achnaton) was de hoofdstad van de koning Echnaton tijdens de 18e dynastie, door sommigen de ketterse koning genoemd, Ekhnaton bouwde zijn stad in een baai van kliffen aan de oostelijke oever van de Nijl als een centrum voor de aanbidding van zijn nieuwe religie Atenisme.

Tel El Amarana in Al Minya

Tel El Amarana (Akhenaton) was the Capital City of the King Akhnaton during 18th dynasty called by some the heretic king, Ekhnaton built his city in a bay of cliffs on the east bank of the Nile as a centre for the worship of his new religion Atenism, The ancient city has become a pilgrimage for those of us who have been Captivated by this Unique Period of Ancient history. The texts tell us that king with his queen Nefertiti was directed to the new city in year 5. The City was called Akhetaton( Horizon of the Aten)The dedication ceremony is recorded on three boundary stelae carved on limestone Cliffs at the Northern and the southern extremities of the New City. A further eleven stelae were cut on both banks of the river to define the boundaries.

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