Travel from Marsa Alam to Cairo
How to travel to Cairo from Marsa Alam? There are many ways to get Cairo from Marsa Alam by plane, taxi, bus or car
Travel from Marsa Alam to Cairo
How to travel to Cairo from Marsa Alam
? There are many ways to get Cairo from Marsa Alam
by plane, taxi, bus or car
Cairo by flight from Marsa Alam
Are there direct flights between Marsa Alam
and Cairo?
Yes, Egyptair has direct flights between Marsa Alam
and Cairo, but not every day- 4 days per week ( Sunday-Monday-Wednesday-Thursday)
What is the flight time between Marsa Alam
and Cairo?
Egyptair Flight MS 432 departs at 12:20 and arrival at Cairo 13:45
How long is the flight from Cairo to Marsa Alam
The quickest flight from Marsa Alam
Airport to Cairo Airport is the direct flight which takes 1h 25m
How far is Cairo from Marsa Alam
Driving distance: 737 km.Duration: 8 hours 13 mins.
Cairo by Go bus from Marsa Alam
You can book online through go bus web site bus ticket from Marsa Alam
to Cairo
New deluxe bus departs at 14:30 PM
New deluxe bus departs at 16:30 PM
Booking Link for go bus
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